
Entity Definition

Logical Name : DemographicRole
Physical Name : PA_RO_DMOG

An industry or proprietary categorization of a person or organization based on his/her/its purchasing behaviors, age, desires, geographic location, job type, etc.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
DemographicRoleID (PK) Unique system assigned identifier for DemographicRole. ID_RO_DMOG Identity integer
Name A label or title given to a group of people or organizations that represents their assignment to a class of buyers. NM_RO_DMOG Name varchar(40)
Description A description of a grouping of customers based on their lifestyles, purchasing trends, income ranges, etc. DE_RO_DMOG DescriptionNarrative varchar(4000)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
DemographicRole describes CustomerDemographicRole

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